Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Some of my Christmas 2010 Outings


I was on holidays for the last 3 weeks and it was glorious to not think about schedules etc. I did a lot of fun things around town and went to Vancouver for the day.

This is part 1 of my photos:

This first one isn't that exciting but my family and I went to Vancouver on December 21st and my sister decided to bring along one of our cute Christmas lights. We stopped for lunch outside this store so she took it out of her bag and placed it on our table so it would feel Christmas like. Plus Salvation Army was nearby playing Christmas music.

See the wee flickering light in the centre

Later on that day we decided to go into Starbucks for a nice hot cocoa. After 4.5 hours of walking everywhere we figured we deserved a treat. This is the regular hot cocoa and we even got to try a sample of their mint hot cocoa which was divine. My newest addiction though is the Salty Caramel Hot Chocolate. It's pure heaven if you love hot chocolate.

Starbucks Hot Cocoa (notice the flickering light again)

Just after Christmas we got to see the beautiful decorated Christmas trees at the Empress. Every year different companies can make a donation and submit a Christmas tree. They are then up for a few weeks for the public to enjoy. There were quite a few beautiful ones so I had about 3 favourites. It's called Festival of Trees.

I can't remember all the companies but here are my photos of a few of them:

I think this was by Pine Lighting and the lights were amazing.

This was by The Papery (a fun shop with great stationary) I loved the wood carved ornaments.
This is a close up of one of the wood carved ornaments. The detail is incredible.
The Root Cellar tree (The produce here is wonderful)

I call this the blue tree and think it was done by a packing company.

For more Festival of Tree photos check out this link.

So I have been begging for a milk frother but since I don't drink milk I wanted something to whip up my soy milk. I got a new frother and here is a Cafe Lib drink I made for myself. It works well with the brand of soy milk I use.

Cafe Lib with frothed soy milk, the whipped texture was surprisingly foamy

That's all for now, next up I'll have photos of the Gingerbread houses.

Hope you are all having a good week.



Anne-Marie said...

Salty Carmel Hot Chocolate?! YUM YUM YUM! Sounds like my cup of tea...or should I say cocoa? ;)

Rachel H. said...

LOVE the little light that travelled to Vancouver! Like your own garden gnome with a Christmas-twist :)