Thursday, October 19, 2006

Self Esteem Issues, Do they ever go away?

Lately I've really been into and I know it's been around for awhile but I just discovered a few months ago. Everytime I think of a topic there seems to be a video on youtube about it so it's becoming my go to place for information.

So the other day my friend found this cool video from Dove about teens talking about self esteem and it's a issue that never goes away no matter what your age. I sat there watching the tiny screen realizing it was so well done I had to share it. The media has so bombarded us with images of what beauty should be and Dove has done a great job knocking that stereotype.

Then I stumbeled upon another one two days ago also from Dove. This one shows what people do manipulate models for the pages on their magazines. It is one you will want to watch over and over again just to catch subtle changes. Have fun.



Anonymous said...

Well written and unfortunately it never gets talked about - but you're right, no matter our age it's something we always drag around with us - low self esteem. Because if we don't look like Jennifer Aniston, then we think we're ugly. Loolooferry

Smile said...

I completely agree! I suffer from low self-esteem from time to time and for the stupidest reasons. It is a battle that I hope to conquer one day and soon. We are all beautiful and worthy.

I commend Dove on their work to help people with their self-esteem and to change how they picture themselves and others to a more healthier and realistic image.