Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Baby Chicks and Accidents Happen!

Chicks in the incubation stage.
Happy chicks having a wee snack.
Several chicks keeping warm.
Chicks looking outside their home for visitors.

I had a lovely Easter week-end and got a chance to see some furry feathered friends along the way. These little creatures were at our local rec center on Saturday and I didn't have long to snap pictues as kids hands were pawing the glass and they were jumping around excitedly. The chicks were keeping warm under the lamps and weren't very old at all. As you can see from the photos they came in a variety of colours too. They were so cute and one chick was sleeping on another's neck even.
So on Monday the big accident happened. Now I should say we had a large Garry Oak tree cut down awhile back (photo of all the wood above). We were on all doing yard work and clearing up stuff. On Tuesday we had someone coming back to take all our stuff to the dump so we had to tidy up and get ready for that. Plus we have relatives coming tomorrow so we wanted our house and the outside of it to look spiffy.
So I get this bright idea to take a picture of our rosemary bush. So I take one shot and think I want to get a wider shot so I step back thinking I have a lot of room. All of the sudden my right leg gets caught on this log
and my left leg goes forward and I sprawl backwards on the log (see above photo) like a jellyfish. The digital camera goes flying out of my hand. I lay there stunned and sore and slowly get up and feel sore all over but I bend over like a rag doll to stretch making sure I can move. C. was under the deck cleaning so didn't know what had happened but wondered what had taken so long. C. is shocked I'm okay and says I could have been paralyzed and then tells me to go sit down and put ice on my back and neck etc. The Lord's angels were working overtime to keep me safe. After a trip to physio I feel much better.
The sad news is our digital camera (HP Photosmart R507) is toast as the lens cracked and won't close. All the chick photos were shot with that one. The rosemary I shot before the fall is gone as I couldn't recover it from the camera.
So we went and bought a Sony DSC-S650 (all the other photos except the chicks were shot with this camera even the Rosemary bush I had to re-shoot). We are trying out the camera to see if we really like it.

I'm out,



Smile said...

Oh my, that was some fall! So glad you didn't get seriously hurt! Your new camera sounds nice... over 7 MP, 3x optical zoom and you can shoot macros as close as a few centimetres! You should have lots of fun!

Kirsten B. said...

Wow! I am so glad you are (relatively) okay! Sorry about your camera, that stinks. But enjoy the new one!

Rachel H. said...

Bad news - you got hurt; Good news - new camera! (trying to think positively here....) Fun background on your screen btw

Anonymous said...

YAY!! I found you! Thanks for Tea and visit. Enjoyed it muchly. Gotta do it again soon.

Adam's said...

how cute chicks ! i love the black one.^_^ and i'm so sorry for Virginia Tech Massacre!  ;-( i think you people should recommend the government reconsider about the rule of's a so dangerous and terrible thing that people with gun!!