Thursday, April 26, 2007

Because I Said So!

Photos from:

I saw the movie Because I Said So and fell for the stars in it. Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls)
and Mandy Moore star in this comedy with Diane Keaton and in a nutshell Diane Keaton puts an ad out to meet suitors for her daughter. It sounds like it could be good but it wasn't at all. The movie has a very simple plot and Diane Keaton is like a hysterical maniac the whole movie (it really grated on my nerves and I was feeling stressed watching it). The guy in it who is one of Mandy's suitor's (photo above) is a cutie but his kid is a menace. So I would not recommend this movie to anyone. It's a waste of time and Lauren Graham plays a psychiatrist and has a small role. So I give it 1 out of 3 stars.




Rachel H. said...

Thanks for the warning; I'll be sure to skip it. Watched The Queen last night with my Mum.

Helen Mirren definitely deserved her Oscar.

Smile said...

Oh, I wanted to see it when it was in the theatres but didn't have time -- good cast. Thanks for the warning. I'll make sure to skip by that DVD.

I do plan to rent The Queen and am glad it is great.