Thursday, May 03, 2007

Pottery in Motion!

Two Sundays ago I went to this neat church service where the pastor gave a sermon while working with clay and spinning a pot on a wheel.
(The video isn't exactly of the pastor I saw but it gives you an idea of what I'm talking about.) It was great to have the visual and to understand the whole idea how the Lord shapes and molds up. The pastor talked about wedging where you have to take the clay that is a big hard slab and work with it to make it pliable. This is how the Lord has to work with us. We are this big slab and he slowly shapes us. He went on to explain that if you don't do a good job at wedging then there may be a small air pocket in your clay and it won't center properly. If you do manage to get a finished product then when you go to put it in the kiln it will blow up.

What touched me is the realization that the Lord dances over us, He loves the colour of our eyes and hair and thinks we are beautiful the way we are. It's hard for me to conceive that when I look at all my imperfections but He doesn't see us that way. Enjoy the video, it is long but fun to see the process.


:) S.


Kirsten B. said...

Very cool! Now I want to try it!

FooFooBerry said...

I know it made me want to get up there and do it. C. and I took a class years ago and really enjoyed it.