Monday, September 25, 2006

Soaps and more Soaps, the addiction never ends...9/6, 9:44pm

Well I've been making so many soaps lately for the market I sell at. I've learned a new technique that involves swirling and have posted the newest swirling photo here. It is a Lavender soap (the purple and white one) and it smells so good. Tonight I whipped up a batch of Vanilla and Musk and it is curing right now.

The soaps in clockwise appearance are: Raspberry Vanilla (burgundy), Citrus (Green and Pink) , Citrus Swirl, and Green Tea (yellow), Lavender Swirl (blue and purple), and Lavender (white and purple).

All I've been doing lately is reading about soaps, looking at pictures of other soapers, writing down scent combinations and dreaming of making more soap. It is so much fun to dream up something and then make it a reality.


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