Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Alive after our Christmas show & my new favourite candy!

So we had our first big Christmas show this past Friday night and Saturday and I'm so glad it is over. We were dead on our feet after going nuts all week making products and staying up way too late. By the time Friday rolled around we were exhausted and our eyes were glazed when it started at 6:00 that night and went until 10:00. On Saturday I saw a few friendly faces. Thanks for stopping by. The candles were popular. (See above picture: white is Fresh Fig, orange is Pumpkin Pie, red is Cranberry and pink is Kailua Bay) These are the tealight size but for Moss we will have them in a tin with a lid. I can't wait.

So I sell at a market 6 months a year and last year we hit it off with the vendor beside us. This year she was our neighbour again and I found out we both love sour candies. So she pulls out this cute tin of sour black cherry candies and I ask where to get them. So after some searching I find them at this small grocery store. (see picure right)

Well a few weeks go by and I'm loving my black cherry candies. I'm at the market and she starts telling me about these new sour candies she found at a store near her and they are even better than the first ones and cheaper. I try a couple and love them instantly. She has the berry flavours ones. A few weeks pass and she brings me the other flavour as a treat. They aren't as good as the berry ones so for weeks I'm looking in every grocery or corner store I go to and can't for the life of me find them. She tells me to try little convenient stores but still no sours to be found. So finally my mom goes out for a walk the other day and goes into a little gas station store and low and behold they are sitting on the candy shelf. She surprises me with them and I'm so excited (yeah simple things amuse me) I thank her and start munching on them instantly.

Peace out,



Rachel H. said...
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Rachel H. said...

Great craft fair this w/end - your guys' booth looked awesome! I'm loving the pink grapefruit hand soap. We too love the Ice Breakers but were under the impression you could only get them in the States. Good news!

FooFooBerry said...

Thanks Rachel. We worked really hard on our table. Yeah, I was happy to find them too. Okay my mind is curious about this deleted comment. I never knew you could delete things you write afterwards. Good to know.