Monday, November 06, 2006

We all need a hug!

Well as you know I'm in a huge Christmas show this Friday and Saturday and so my sister and I are in the midst of making a huge batch of soap for it but I wanted to post something.

A friend sent this to me and I thought it was a warm fuzzy type of video about how we all need to be hugged. It is a free hug campaign video by the group Sick Puppies. You guessed it the video comes from youtube of course.

S. Out


Smile said...

Great video clips! I had heard that K-Fed may have got the bad news while with Much, but I didn't know all the juicy speculative details. The kitten is so cute! And the Free Hugs one is my favourite. Good luck with your show!

FooFooBerry said...


Thanks. The show is over and we can't believe it. We are dead on our feet and just want to crash. The days leading up to it we were up very late making product.